These are the best plans to make on Valentine's Day (and the jewels that stick the most to make them)
Take a look at romanticism and bet on everything to celebrate the day of love.
There are those who take Valentine's Day as just another day in which nothing special happens, and those who opt for the most classic romanticism to celebrate the indicated date as a couple or with friends. But there are also those who enjoy giving the idea a twist. We know the best options and we recommend the type of jewel you should wear on each occasion. You know, first of all, class.
Romantic picnic
Some pearls There is nothing more clichéd than going on a romantic picnic as a couple. And there is nothing more classic than wearing a Pearl Necklace to the picnic, in the purest British style, as if it were the queen of the country. Whether in the park of the retreat or in the most remote wasteland of civilization, a good picnic with cheese, wine and a good checkered tablecloth –red and white, please– will always be a perfect idea.

Night under the stars
Something shiny. Bubble hotels that offer the incredible experience – for those who live in cities – of getting away to the countryside and spending the whole night gazing at the stars have been in fashion for years. We cannot think of a more perfect plan for an ideal night. If you choose to celebrate Valentine's Day in a room with transparent walls, wear a bright and discreet jewel. It will be your perfect ally throughout the night.

Parachute jump
Some stud earrings. The riskiest activity of all, without a doubt, is skydiving. Only suitable for people who dare with everything in life and who love adrenaline, this activity does not allow too many jewels, in fact, the less you wear, the better. But giving up wearing earrings is not necessary if you bet on the right ones: discreet and close to the ear, they will be the perfect companions.

Balloon ride
A special bracelet. For those who like heights, but do not want to experience an excess of adrenaline, a balloon ride is the most pleasant option. It will allow you to have a romantic or fun moment with whomever you choose to undertake the short trip, and with dreamlike views, of course.